Tuesday, June 20, 2017

New Cover Up from New Look 6452

I had a cruise coming up and decided I wanted to make a new swim suit cover up. I also found some perfectly cute pineapple woven cotton at Hobby Lobby that I just had to do something with. Perfect combo!! So, of course I had to find a pattern to serve the purpose. The one I decided on was this one...

New Look Pattern 6452 Misses' Tops with Bodice and Hemline Variations

I decided on View B because I liked the lace variation around the hem and neck line. However, I also knew I wanted it to be longer, more of a tunic length rather than a shirt. So I decided to lengthen it by 3 inches after measuring my back length and comparing to finished garment length on the pattern envelope back.

This is how I lengthened it. There was no marking on the pattern pieces for a lengthen or shorten option, so I decided to use the waist line marking as my spot. I very carefully cut the pattern pieces for the bottom portion of the tunic on the waist marking. I then took some brown postal paper and cut a 4 inch strip to tape to the back. I usually use tissue paper, but I was out of that so I had to sub.

After lengthening the pieces I went ahead and cut out all of my pattern pieces. See what I mean about cute pineapple fabric.

After cutting out my pattern pieces I wanted to restore the pattern to its original length. So I took my PAPER scissors and very carefully cut the tape along the line to very easily remove the paper extension. 

Then I carefully lined up the lines and taped it back together for future use. I only paid $1.99 for this pattern on sale, but I am incredibly cheap when it comes to patterns. Waste not want not.

I started assembling by attaching the interfacing to the collar pieces. I am lazy with this as well. 

I lay the interfacing down and then place the fabric on top to press it instead of using a pressing cloth. Ain't nobody got time for that. LOL

I did not want to set up my serger for this so I used an overcast stitch on my Brother sewing machine. My machine came with a snap on foot to do this, so why not? Setting up a serger is time consuming and as I previously stated, I was feeling like lay sewing.

This is what the stitch selection looks like on my machine.

This is what the foot looks like.

After finishing my edges prior to sewing I went ahead and started assembling everything. The pattern starts with the bodice which comes together very easily. After assembling the bodice it was time to attach my trim. I decided on a cute crochet edging with a fringe to it. I thought it looked kind of islandy.

I stitched right over the edge with a fabric matching thread instead of using white. I think it blended in better that way.

This is after attaching the trim to the bodice.

This is attaching to the bottom skirt edge prior to attaching the bodice to the skirt. The bodice and skirt came together super easy because there is practically no gathering. Score! All in all, if I had sat down and sewn it all at one time, It may have taken me 2-3 hours with pattern adjusting and cutting included in that time.

Here is my finished product on the lido deck on my cruise. I love how cute it turned out and it is super comfy.